Alright, I've gotten through the small talk with this new area and have begun the real conversation. It's been a pretty jarring week here following my previous transfer. Rancho Peñasquitos might be the complete reverse of Calexico. The work here is moving pretty slowly with barely a handful of nonmember friends we have to visit (unlike the looming list of well over a hundred potentials in Calexico). There hasn't been a baptism here in years, and last transfer apparently didn't yield a single new person being taught. Pretty tough. So many of the residents are just content with their lives, not believing in or even hoping for anything greater. However, the ward here is big, dedicated, and involved, which has been very refreshing. I bet in this first couple weeks I will have doubled the total member lessons I've had on my mission. Another stark contrast: this area has SUCH nice neighborhoods. With each house that I enter I'm blown away by how blessed the people here are, and so grateful for their charity in welcoming us as missionaries. When I first arrived at our apartment last week I thought "whoa, this is a paradise". Pretty roomy, the tap water is drinkable without a filter, and we even have a gym in our complex! Then when my companion introduced me to one of the families in the ward, the first question they asked was "are you still living in that ghetto apartment?" Heh, guess my first area set a good standard for keeping me grateful.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Chapter 9: Rancho Peñasquitos
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Chapter 8: Climactic Farewells
Good day! Hope everyone's staying warm. Imperial Valley is quite the refuge in the late fall and early winter. There was an evening where my companion and I remarked that it was pretty chilly as we went from door to door. Then we checked the weather app. The temperature? 68 degrees! XD Guess growing up in Utah didn't give me much resilience after all. I'll just be grateful it's not below freezing over here.
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Me and Angel |
- I've been working on memorizing my testimony in Spanish throughout the transfer, and I was able to deliver it to the Yearsley family on Sunday evening. It led into a discussion with a powerful, tangible spirit. Also, the Yearsleys are wonderful. They had us over for dinner periodically.
- We had breakfast with our friend Victor at 5 AM this morning at Denny's XD Glad I got to see him at least one more time.
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Us and Victor at Denny's |
- My new companion is Elder Creasy, and I'll probably have more to write about him next week.
- We saw Mitt Romney today! We spent our p-day in his son's backyard.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Chapter 7: Some Suspiciously Convenient Music
Happy Tuesday! It's been a pretty weird week with some big events and not a whole lot in between.
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Wind turbines and the moon on the drive to San Diego. |
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Our zone with President and Sister Merritt and Elder and Sister Sabin. |
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A kitten that was yelling at me near our apartment. |
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Chapter 6 : God is Gracious
- We attempted to visit a friend named Marlen, but we got no response at her door. Normally that means we'd try again a different day since we have so many people to get to, but I was really hoping to see her cause we'd had a promising contact with her the week before, so I asked Elder McLean if we could come back later that evening after some other visits. When we returned, voila, she was home! And she was willing to hear a mini lesson at the door!
- Later, we were sitting in our car preparing for a visit when a guy in a dark hoodie tapped on our window and asked if we could give him a ride to pick up his bike. We had to say no due to mission rules, and he said goodbye before we could strike up more of a conversation. As he left I thought "Oh man, did we just miss an opportunity?" Following our visit, we got back in the car, only to hear a tapping on our window again. He had returned. When we rolled the window down, he asked us if we knew where he could buy a Tesla. Yes, you read that correctly. We couldn't offer much help as far as car shopping goes, but we got to talk with him more and found out that missionaries had met with his family when he was younger. We got his address and have since been able to visit him and his sister!
- Finally, after we had returned to our apartment, we decided to give our friend Rudy a call. I mentioned him a few weeks ago; he was a guy we miraculously ran into as he visited Calexico due to a tragedy in his family (We followed up with him later and discovered that he read Alma 40!). So I dialed him up, but he didn't answer. We normally call everyone twice just in case, but it was pretty late in the evening and we had unsuccessfully tried to call him pretty recently, so I got really worried that we were only bugging him. But, just as I was about to move on, I thought "aah, I'm going for it" and called again. This time he answered! We got to check in on him, invite him to read more and pray, and ask him what blessings he needed us to pray for for him. He expressed a lot of appreciation to us for keeping in touch. Third second try of the day!
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Border traffic. EVERYONE heads down to Mexicali before the weekend. |
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That cat darts out from under our car every morning when we start the engine. |
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We've been getting some beautiful sunsets. And God made them for us! "Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart." D&C 59:18 |
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Chapter 5: Happy Halloween!
It's gonna be a quick one today. I feel like this past week has been a whole lot of nothing. At the end of each day I feel like there's so much more I could have done, and overall I haven't had a lot of teaching opportunities.
Nonetheless, likewise on each day I find that there's at least something--some tender mercy or small opportunity--to provide at least temporary relief from the worries of the day. After an evening of seemingly fruitless door to door contacting, we came across a man named Juan pulling things out of his truck in the dark. In a sort of a last ditch effort for that day, we asked him if he wanted help. One of the first things he said to us (in Spanish) was "You guys work for God, right?" That started a great discussion in which we found out that he collects different denominations' books of scripture and that he owns a copy of the Book of Mormon. We got to set up a meeting with him to learn more about his beliefs, and we're really looking forward to it. Through a seemingly mundane week, little miracles have been just around the corner all throughout.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!