Good day to you! I'm out of time to write all I wish I could, but permit me a frantic spouting of words! It's been a busy week with lessons, for which Elder Meilstrup and I have been grateful. We also had exchanges with our district leader on Friday (I stayed in RPQ with Elder Spencer) and then with our Zone Leaders on Saturday (I went to Scripps Ranch with Elder Ulibarri), so we had to bid each other adieu for most of the weekend.
Whenever we do exchanges we set a few goals beforehand, and for one of mine on the first exchange I specifically wanted to recognize the presence of the spirit in each of the 3 lessons we had planned for that day. Pretty straightforward, but I wanted to give it some extra attention. Long story short, it was a success! But what especially stood out to me was how it was fulfilled in that first lesson. We were meeting with Brother King to review the gospel of Jesus Christ through 2 Nephi 31 and discuss how enduring to the end relates to priesthood and temple goals. We love talking with Brother King, and the discussion went well, but I struggled to find and feel that inspiring power the spirit offers. At the start of the lesson we had asked if he would be willing to offer the closing prayer, and he gave us a slightly timid maybe. He's been working on building confidence praying with others. When we ended the lesson, however, he accepted our invitation, and it was in that moment as he prayed that I really felt the spirit, who was surely already there. Perhaps witnessing his courage caused my own spirit to take heart and reach out. Or maybe it's that I got an inkling of how much God's love for him swelled. Also on that exchange we had a great contact with an inactive family, and they made it to church on Sunday! We also got to have a very successful lesson with them afterward.
In the second exchange, one of the main things we did was tract in an ENORMOUS apartment complex the members and missionaries refer to as "great and spacious" (as a name, not just an adjective 😆). Those apartments seriously do look exactly like the great and spacious building in that well known painting of Lehi's dream.
Another thing: we had interviews with President Merritt this week and roleplays with Sister Merritt. The focus of the roleplays was teaching difficult commandments, and Elder Meilstrup and I had an awesome companionship unity moment teaching the notorious law of chastity. Roleplays in district council the following Monday also went very well with asking inspired questions and teaching the Plan of Salvation. So, in addition to being a good lesson week, it's been a good roleplaying week.
Aaah many other things to say, both trivial and deeply meaningful. But I'll limit it to a couple.
Quote of the week:
(As we walk out of a member lesson.)
Elder Tolman: *glances down at doorknob* "Heyyy, that right there is a Juniper 107 11P vintage br-"
Elder Meilstrup: "Shut up."
*both of us burst into laughter*
Endnote: Sometimes we can be so resistant to what the spirit would love to offer directly to our minds and hearts that God must use another of His many instruments to deliver personal revelation. In my case, it has been about 10 different mentors offering the same inspired message over and over again until my stubborn brain has begun to yield to their encouragement. I can testify that not all angels reside in heaven, and I'm grateful to have them patiently at my side.
Elder Tolman
Finding moments to appreciate God's creations:
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Moving a friend in Mira Mesa |
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A hike from this afternoon. We reached the top and were shocked at how still and peaceful it was. It was a well needed break from the noise of our areas. |
Squirrel is enjoying the scene too!
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